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Thu, Oct 20 |

Be Gender Intelligent Webinar

Please join us for our Be Gender Intelligent Webinar on Oct. 20 at 3:30 pm EST.

Space is limited!  Email webinar@WomenInConsumerTechnology.org with the subject line – Sign me up for the Webinar! to reserve your space.  Limited to the first 199 people.

If you attended either our 2016 Forum or CEDIA 2016 Luncheon, you got to experience a taste of “Be Gender Intelligent.”  We are extremely pleased to have teamed up with Pearson to bring you and expanded webinar presentation by Kendra Thomas, VP, Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion at Pearson – exclusively for Women in Consumer Technology.

And, if you missed either event and are asking yourself what Gender Intelligence is, then here’s your chance to learn more.

~ Real improvement in an organization’s culture.

~  Illuminate the reasons behind how men and women think and react differently.

~  Explain how to overcome gender-based blind spots.

~  Provide hands-on opportunities to practice techniques and develop new skills.